Mercedes-Benz use Quantum Computing to Improve Battery Performance

By Clint Brown

Quantum Computing is now being used by organisations, this is either through simulated models, cloud instances or direct engagement with an external vendor. 

While full performance capability wont be achieved for some time, companies are using this period to develop internal knowledge and IP. 

It can often be challenging to understand where and how quantum computing is used, within these articles we will cover published real world examples to help stimulate through and discussion. 


Mercedes Benz has been evaluating quantum computing for several years through different engagements. The primary purpose of the research has been around improving the performance of Lithium-ion batteries. 

Battery development requires extensive testing, this can last many years for only small performance increases. With the demand on battery technology increasing with electric vehicles (EVs) there is an ever growing increase in the technology. 

Improved battery performance offers many benefits such as longer range, reduced weight, faster charging, reduced heat, longer battery life cycle. 

Often when developing battery technology there compromises are required to achieve the desired outcome. 

Chemistry composition was simulated through quantum computers and uncovered new optimizations that could only be achieved through quantum computation. 

This is a great example of how car manufacturing is using quantum computing today. 

The full article can be read here:

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