Pureplay Quantum Computing

By Craig D

Quantum computing has been a major disruptive technology over the last few years and its applications are being explored in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, advanced analytics and cybersecurity.

The entry of these pureplay quantum computing companies exciting opportunity as more traditional firms continue to invest heavily in developing and exploring the potential of Quantum Computing. Furthermore, the growth in this amazing technology over 2023 and now into 2024, there will likely be even more opportunities to develop in this rapidly growing sector.

IonQ Inc

IonQ, a quantum computing start-up stage company, was recently listed via a merger with the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) dMY Technology Group III merger back in October 2021. The fusion marks IonQ as the first ever pure-play quantum computer company to become publicly traded. IonQ has successfully partnered with major tech industry leaders such as Microsoft, Amazon’s Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud in order to provide quantum computers as part of their various cloud services.

Additionally, Softbank Group, a Japanese telecommunications and tech investor, has invested in IonQ with the purpose of providing its quantum computer capabilities to other tech entities in its portfolio.

However, due to being at a start-up stage, IonQ currently generates little in revenue and is still looking for profitability. With this recent merger and cash proceeds from it, though, IonQ will be able to build an expansive network of accessible quantum computers that fulfill various cloud services on behalf of its customers.

Recently, IonQ announced an important breakthrough in error correction technology for quantum computers, which should help them minimize qubit costs and enhance accuracy during calculations.

Although IonQ did not generate any income in 2022, there remains great interest and potential around this technology due to its ability to perform more complex calculations than traditional digital computers with fewer errors. Named “ion-trapping” qubits, their system utilizes power generated by ionized atoms to achieve these results. As companies continue to explore this still nascent technology, keep your sights on IonQ as they have the potential to lead the industry into further success, revolutionizing existing tech standards along the way.

IonQ signed a contract with U.S Air Force Research Lab in 2022 worth 13.4M

Rigetti Computing

Rigetti Computing is a full-stack quantum computing company that was founded in 2013 by Chad Rigetti, who holds a Ph.D. from Yale and previously worked at IBM’s quantum computing group. The company designs quantum chips, integrates those chips with a controlling architecture, and builds software that can be used to build algorithms for the chips.

The goal of Rigetti Computing is to build machines that are more powerful than what currently exists in the global cloud. In order to accomplish this, Rigetti Computing recently announced its intention to merge with Supernova Partners Acquisition Co., which enables the company go public and access capital for further research and development.

Chad Rigetti believes that the power of quantum computers will far surpass traditional computers and provide opportunities for leaps forward in multiple industries such as logistics, healthcare and financial services.

He believes his team’s technology will help create breakthroughs on challenges like molecular modelling or recognizing patterns of disease more quickly than ever before. To achieve this ambition, Rigetti Computing is actively nurturing relationships with numerous companies throughout Silicon Valley who share their vision for using advanced technologies like quantum computing to solve some of the world’s most complex problems.

Quantum Computing Inc

Quantum Computing Inc (QUBT) is a small yet decisive player in the quantum computing market, with a market capitalization of only $64.5 million at the time of writing. This may seem small compared to other companies listed here, but this is due to its specialized focus on quantum computing, singularly dedicated to providing software and applications for quantum computers.

The company has cultivated partnerships with hardware companies such as D-Wave, allowing it to contribute its services and offerings to all facets of the industry. Aside from its cloud offerings, Quantum Computing also caters solutions for real-world problems related to optimization, logistics and cybersecurity, offering tangible solutions that could change the way technology works today.

The company has developed Qatalyst, an API that enables developers to use classical computers for running advanced algorithms.

This provides faster access and easier usage of advanced algorithms without having direct access to a quantum computer – perfect for individuals experimenting with cryptology or those aspiring to create powerful solutions without investing in expensive hardware first.

With more than 70% of venture funding going towards software specialization in the industry, Quantum Computing Inc (QUBT) is set apart from its peers thanks to its variety of services catered in both machine learning and quantum computing.


Archer Materials (ASX:AXE) is an innovative Australian materials technology company that has a focus on both quantum technology and human health markets. Founded nearly fifteen years ago in 2007, the company was initially involved in numerous market applications yet has since sharpened its laser focus to those two industries where it believes it can make the biggest impact.

In terms of quantum technology, Archer Materials is developing a qubit processor chip which could potentially operate at room temperature, thus eliminating the need for significant cooling that many other qubit modalities require.

This innovation could revolutionize this industry and drive down costs considerably, as well as making quantum computing much more accessible to the public. As for their focus on human health, the company is researching and developing new ways to improve people’s ability to detect, analyze and prevent pulmonary diseases with optimized diagnostic processes. Overall these efforts are commendable and have given this company widespread admiration among within the tech industry community.

Analog Devices, Inc.

Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) is an important player in the semiconductor industry that has made significant strides to become a leader amongst analog semiconductor companies. With a market cap of over $88 billion and recent secondary offering of notes worth $4B5, ADI is far from shy about investing in its future technology.

As quantum computing continues to be developed and integrated into the digital economy, ADI’s chips will become increasingly essential for processing and converting digital signals.

Recently, ADI announced that their wireless battery management systems would be used in electric vehicles by UK-based Lotus Cars which demonstrates the company’s commitment to solve complex problems for customers across industries.

Moreover with their acquisition of Maxim Integrated Products recently, ADI can now bolster its capabilities specifically with respect to analog technology used to transition between voltage and frequency based signals. With these two acquisitions, it is no surprise that ADI looks well-positioned to stay competitive in the ever-evolving semiconductor sector going forward.


D-Wave is a Canadian quantum computing company that has been leading the way in the industry since its founding in 1999. Whilst it took some time for their efforts to come to fruition, the business launched their first commercially available quantum computer, aptly called the D-Wave One, in 2011. Since then they have continued refining and advancing their technology while also expanding into other areas of quantum computing such as gate-based quantum computation which they announced they were exploring in late 2021.

Just this year, D-Wave moved even further forward with ambitions of becoming a publicly traded business by announcing an intention to merge with a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). This will give them access to additional capital as well as be a strong indicator of how far the quantum computing industry has become. D-wave’s position at the head of this industry looks sure to remain especially after having explored so many angles during their two decade long journey.

Potential to go public

Quantinuum – Honeywell

Quantinuum is a revolutionary piece of quantum software and operating system that combines the expertise of two top innovators in the quantum computing field. Cambridge Quantum, based in Britain, has developed some of the most advanced software systems for running quantum computations.

Honeywell Quantum Solutions (HQS) has been created from its U.S. parent company Honeywell who specialises in ion trap quantum computers; one of the many future-oriented technologies that have become highly sought after companies.

This fusion between technology leaders is what makes Quantinuum so eagerly anticipated and when all technological aspects are taken into account they make it an incredibly promising candidate for a public debut sometime in 20212, as an IPO likely on a major stock exchange – though where or when remains to be seen at this stage.

Its new age technology capability and disrupting capabilities just can’t be overlooked; going toe to toe with the big names like IBM, Microsoft and Google within the near future is no small feat! This calls for significant trade interest, but also the recognition that will be needed to bring such a valuable and groundbreaking product to investors worldwide during these times of growing disruption.

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